Developer on top of clock

Ephemeral environments with GitHub Codespaces

Back in August 2022, I posted about Ephemeral environments and compared GitPod and Replit. While Codespaces was first made GA in August 2021, making it fairly mature then, there were no free plans yet so I didn’t spend any time in it. Fast forward to November 2022, and GitHub has released free offerings for Codespaces. As of writing, a free GitHub account can use up to 60 hours for free. It is time to revisit Ephemeral Environments and play with GitHub Codespaces....

December 2, 2022 · 3 min · LPains
Photo by Pixabay

How to copy certificates between Azure Key Vaults

I recently had to copy a few certificates between Azure key vaults. These certificates were issued in one key vault but given access restrictions, they were consumed from another key vault. Note 1: copying certificates between key vaults is generally a bad idea as the copied certificate will not follow any automatic renewal setup for the original. The powershell script below was imported mostly from this StackOverflow answer. The primary change done was to use the X509Certificate2 class constructor instead of the Import method which is not recommended....

November 23, 2022 · 1 min · LPains
Rating Editor

The simplest Vue 3 Rating Editor

This is going to be short and sweet. I have built the simplest possible rating editor in Vue 3 composition API an this is how I’ve done it. A couple of details worth noting: Each star is a clickable button The star is an emoji Because the emoji comes with color, we apply a class gray to apply a grayscale filter when value is less than the current star Upon a star button click, we update the modelValue to the corresponding value which renders the stars again That’s it....

September 12, 2022 · 1 min · LPains

Running Agile projects in GitHub Projects

I have used Azure DevOps and its predecessors (Visual Studio Team Services and TFS) for a long time. In fact, I think my first time ever with TFS was back in 2007. Thus, that is usually my go-to solution for DevOps. It is undeniable how good Azure DevOps boards and pipelines are. I have also extensively used GitHub, but it was typically for smaller and personal projects. It is hands-down the best tool for repositories....

September 5, 2022 · 7 min · LPains
Developer VM

Setting up Hyper-V VM using powershell

It is not uncommon in consulting to work out of dedicated VMs for each customer. This helps create a strong segregation between internal and each client workstream. If you use Hyper-V, chances are that you already have a template VM and use copies of it, so you don’t setup everything over and over. In this post, I will do exactly that, but introduce as much automation using PowerShell as possible....

August 28, 2022 · 5 min · LPains