
Detecting changes on SQL Server Temporal Changes

SQL Server system-versioned temporal tables provide a powerful way to keep data history for a table. It provides a way to query data as of a point in time, or the changes between a time period. Check the docs for more detail. While history tables are great for many scenarios based off history data. When you need to calculate delta changes it gets a little more complicated as I am sure Temporal Tables were not designed for that purpose....

October 29, 2021 · 5 min · LPains

Enforce read only access in SQL Server queries

This is not something common, I guess. Imagine with me, will you? You have an app dedicated for reporting. The sole reason you built this app is to allow non-developers, but data savvy people, to create operational reports for LOB applications. How do you ensure that your users will not use this solution to modify data on the fly? Imagine how fun would it be to explain why your reporting solution allow them to modify data to your boss....

July 7, 2020 · 2 min · LPains