Developer on top of clock

Ephemeral environments with GitHub Codespaces

Back in August 2022, I posted about Ephemeral environments and compared GitPod and Replit. While Codespaces was first made GA in August 2021, making it fairly mature then, there were no free plans yet so I didn’t spend any time in it. Fast forward to November 2022, and GitHub has released free offerings for Codespaces. As of writing, a free GitHub account can use up to 60 hours for free. It is time to revisit Ephemeral Environments and play with GitHub Codespaces....

December 2, 2022 · 3 min · LPains

Running Agile projects in GitHub Projects

I have used Azure DevOps and its predecessors (Visual Studio Team Services and TFS) for a long time. In fact, I think my first time ever with TFS was back in 2007. Thus, that is usually my go-to solution for DevOps. It is undeniable how good Azure DevOps boards and pipelines are. I have also extensively used GitHub, but it was typically for smaller and personal projects. It is hands-down the best tool for repositories....

September 5, 2022 · 7 min · LPains
Developer VM

Setting up Hyper-V VM using powershell

It is not uncommon in consulting to work out of dedicated VMs for each customer. This helps create a strong segregation between internal and each client workstream. If you use Hyper-V, chances are that you already have a template VM and use copies of it, so you don’t setup everything over and over. In this post, I will do exactly that, but introduce as much automation using PowerShell as possible....

August 28, 2022 · 5 min · LPains
Developer Environment

Automated and repeatable Developer Environment setup - winget

Back in March I posted about Automated and repeatable Environment Setup. In that version of the environment setup, I used Chocolatey because it has always been my go-to Windows app installer. However, the latest versions of Windows 10 and 11 comes with winget pre-installed. In this post, I will show how to setup a similar developer environment but using winget instead of chocolatey. Similarly to the last post, I will focus on a typical ....

August 25, 2022 · 3 min · LPains

Getting started with Ephemeral environments

Ephemeral developer environments are short-lived and typically serve a single purpose. Perhaps you are away from your development computer or you are working on completely different projects and don’t want to “polute” one or the other. For instance, I have a policy of not mixing up work and personal projects. If I am not at home, I typically don’t have my blog code or environment setup. I spent some time working with both gitpod....

August 17, 2022 · 3 min · LPains